Talk Tonight by Oasis Chords & Tabs - Mattyonng Louisibyl

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Тип: Chords

Talk Tonight

Chords used:

Em7     (022030)
Em7*    (022033) (used in chorus only)
A7sus4  (x02030)
Cadd9   (x32030)
C9      (x32330)
Cadd9*  (x32033) (used in chorus only)
G       (3x0033)
G/B     (x20033)
Dsus4   (xx0233)


Em7 (strum once)    Em7  A7sus4   C9   G   
A7sus4   Cadd9


Sitting on my own, chewing on a bone
a thousand million miles from home, when
Cadd9          G       A7sus4                     Cadd9
something      hit me,  somewhere right between the eyes

Sleeping on a plane you know you can't complain
You took your last chance once again, and
Cadd9          G       A7sus4                     Cadd9
landed, stranded, hardly even knew your name


Cadd9*                    G     Dsus4  Em7*
           I wanna talk tonight
                     Cadd9*        G     Dsus4  Em7*
           Until the morning light
                Cadd9*                     G    Dsus4  Em7*
           'Bout how you saved my life
                     Cadd9*          A7sus4    Cadd9*
           And you and me see how we are
                                     A7sus4    Cadd9*
           And you and me see how we are

[Tab for chorus]

During the chorus there's a second guitar that plays this little riff
during each G  Dsus4  Em7*  part of the chorus.
[NOTE: this is almost the exact same riff as can be found in the "And all
the roads we have to walk are winding" part of Wonderwall.]

    G        Dsus2        Em7*       Cadd9

[Musical Interlude]

Em7 (strum once)    Em7  A7sus4   C9   G   
A7sus4   Cadd9


All your dreams are made of strawberry lemonade
and you make sure I eat today, you
Cadd9          G       A7sus4                     Cadd9
take me      walking to where you played when you were young

I'll never say that I won't ever make you cry
and this I say I don't know why, I
Cadd9          G       A7sus4                     Cadd9
know I'm     leaving, but I'll be back another day


Cadd9*                    G     Dsus4  Em7*
           I wanna talk tonight
                     Cadd9*        G     Dsus4  Em7*
           Until the morning light
                Cadd9*                     G    Dsus4  Em7*
           'Bout how you saved my life
                     Cadd9*          A7sus4    Cadd9*
           And you and me see how we are
                                     A7sus4    Cadd9*
           And you and me see how we are

That's pretty much it, except towards the end of the song, there are 2
changes to the usual patterns.

1) Towards the end, the "And you and me see how we are" part goes

        Cadd9*            A7sus4  G/B  Cadd9*
and you and me see how we are
                        A7sus4  G/B  Cadd9*
you and me see how we are

2) At the end where the chorus is repeating again and again, it starts to
go like this every 4 measures:

                 G    Dsus2   Em7*
I wanna talk tonight
Cadd9*             G    Dsus2   Em7*
I wanna talk tonight
Cadd9*          G    Dsus2   Em7* Dsus2 
Cadd9* Dsus2
I wanna talk tonight
                 G    Dsus   Em7*
I wanna talk tonight

(whatever, and so on)