Dont Go Away Mad Just Go Away by Mötley Crüe Chords & Tabs - Polper Forex

1.2K Tampilan

Capo: 0

Jenis: Chords

I don't have the intro worked out; maybe someone else would post it?  Sounds
like he's picking through the C, Dm, and F, but I'm not sure enough about
it to say for certain.

Chord progression for the verse is C-Dm-F-C, and for the chorus is Bb-F-C.

C = x32010
Dm = xx0231
F = 133211
Bb = x13331
G = 355433

                       Don't Go Away Mad (Just Go Away)
                                by Mötley Crüe

[Verse]My friends called today, down from L.A.
They were shootin' pool all night and sleepin' half the day
They said I could crash if I could find my own way
I told them you were leaving on a bus to go away

[Chorus]That's alBbright, that's OFK
We were Cwalkin' through some youth, smilin' through some pain
That's alBbright, that's OFK
               C        - (go back to verse progression with this C)
Let's turn the page

[Verse]CWe could sail away or Dmcatch a freight train
Or a Frocket ship into Couter space
Nothin' Cleft to do too many Dmthings were said
To Fever make it feel like Cyesterday did
CSeasons must change, separate Dmpaths, separate ways
If we Fblame it anything, let's Cblame it on the rain
I Cknew it all along, I'd Dmhave to write this song
To Fyoung to fall in love, guess we Cknew it all along

[Chorus]And Gremember what I say, and it goes this way
CGirl, don't Dgo away mad         (sing this part with the ending chord
Figure   C   1.        D            F              C
e|-3---3-3-3--/5---5-5-5---/8----8--8--8---3---3-3-3--| (repeat six times and
B|-5---6-6-5--/7---8-8-7--/10---11-11-10---5---6-6-5--|  then go to Figure 2,
G|-5---5-5-5--/7---7-7-7--/10---10-10-10---5---5-5-5--|  come back to this
D|-5---5-5-5--/7---7-7-7--/10---10-10-10---5---5-5-5--|  part and play it
A|-3---3-3-3--/5---5-5-5---/8----8--8--8---3---3-3-3--|  eight more times to
E|----------------------------------------------------|  end of song)
Figure 2.                                   ^end     here     on   open     C  last     time    
e|----------------|    (- play     e|---------------------|
B|-13-12---10--8--|      this      B|---------------------|
G|-12-12---11--9--|      part      G|--3-3-3-2---2--------|
D|-12-12---12-10--|      four      D|--3-3-3-2---2-5---3--|
A|----------------|     times,     A|--1-1-1-0---0-5---3--| (return to
E|----------------|    then ->)    E|--------------3---1--|  Figure 1.)